Goal 1 Million People to Take the Risk Test
Calling All Celebrity Ambassadors and Social Media Influencers!
Why is this Awareness Challenge Crucial?
No one has to die of complications related to type 2 diabetes. No one has to lose their legs or their sight. Borderline diabetes and full-blown diabetes can often be reversed with lifestyle changes to diet, exercise, and stress reduction that are maintained. Few people seem to know this, and fewer people know their status-especially among African-Americans and Hispanics.
“Our mission is to make sure people, in underserved communities especially, recognize the risk and know that there are programs and professionals helping people reverse these conditions,”
Marci Kenon, PLAN founder, and certified
National Diabetes Prevention Program
(NDPP) Lifestyle Coach.
“Check Your Risk” will be promoted primarily via social media with participating celebrities and influencers inviting their followers to take the risk test and to share the link with their family and friends. Celebrity ambassadors are also welcome to share their personal stories of how type 2 diabetes has impacted their lives personally or through the struggles of family and friends.
The Eight, Inc., a California-based 501 c 3 nonprofit and co-collaborator in the Check Your Risk initiative will also promote “Check Your Risk” through a series of Facebook and Instagram ads to boost awareness and videos of influencers.